Each day is a little life.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The kids got out of school early (at lunchtime) the last two days, so Gigi got the girls out to go meet their bus at our house. But the last day, Carmen had a swim party to go to. Her friends, the triplets from her class, have a new pool. And their mom, Letitia, graciously offered to get Carmen to the next party that afternoon, which was for Margo, another kid in our neighborhood.
This is one of the triplets, Macy.
This is the birthday girl, Margo, who turned 8.
It was a BIG party--I'd bet 50 kids! One cool thing is that Margo asked for books for the kids at Scottish Rite in lieu of presents (like she also did last year).

I got there late so I never got to see Carmen skating (she says she's no good at it and apparently didn't try for very long this time).

Gabriel wanted to try skating, but I couldn't help him until David arrived to help with Paloma and Eva.

And what a workout that was! Yikes! He is heavy!


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