Each day is a little life.

Friday, September 30, 2005

When I found this drawing in Carmen's trash (yes, I have to check to see what she throws away in the wastebasket at her drawing table--lots of marker caps, etc.) I was alarmed and immediately went to find out about it.

I've only seen two drawings of hers sadder than this, and that was in July when her cousins didn't stay overnight with us as long as planned.

I was relieved to find out that the red eyes and tears were her description of being sick. To the left of her face are glasses of juice, her school and a bottle of medicine. To her right is the humidifier.

I also found it interesting how short she drew her hair! She had it cut only a couple of weeks ago, but she's definitely made the change in her self-concept!

On the back of the drawing are large red hearts and the words, "Yay Meadow Creek" and "Dear Carmen". Unfortunately it bleeds through a little when scanned.

Wednesday was parent conference day at her school and David and I were delighted to see her journal (lots of great drawings and one sentence per drawing) as well as hear how she's doing at school (she works hard, follows directions and is kind to her classmates). Her teacher was glad that we were laughing when we talked about another kid cutting her hair in class last week. We found out about that when we received a note in Carmen's binder from the parents of the boy who cut her hair! Sometimes she forgets to tell us all about her day! But at least we find out the important stuff through her drawings, if not through our conversations.

Gabriel, on the other hand, will not even pick up a crayon! He is intimidated by Carmen's drawing and frustrated by what he can't do. I have discovered he is a little more interested in markers, so we'll try that.


At 8:04 AM, Blogger Chrys and Mike said...

I love your blog! That was a great post! Carmen reminds me of you when you were little.



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