Each day is a little life.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Today was my first day back to work, but instead of being just sad it was somewhat comical since I had all three kids with me. (Well, Gabe went to preschool in the morning, but was with us the rest of the day until almost 5.)

The kids' favorite part of the day was the cake reception for a colleague but the second favorite was playing inside my drafting table desk in my English room. (Usually we're in the yearbook lab across campus, so it's a treat for them to be somewhere else.) I had brought several videos and movies but they didn't even watch a whole one because they were having fun playing in the classroom.

The reception was a going-away party; the English department is losing another teacher in the middle of the year. That makes three in the middle of the year since January and there were three others that left over the summer! Something in the water. . . the stress of the job is too much for too many, so at least I know it's not just me!
