Each day is a little life.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Mark your calendars for March 2, 7 P.M.!

Carmen has a solo in the Kindergarten musical, E-I-E-I Oops!

She's been singing songs for weeks and is now sharing some choreography with us to numbers like "Ham it Up".

They are also performing it during school twice--Weds. March 1 at 1:45 P.M. and Thursday March 2nd at 8:45.

She's also still obsessed with playing the piano, picking out songs from church, the Backyardigans, and this week, the Queen song "Somebody to Love". She heard it in the movie "Ella Enchanted". I plan to start her in Midi (keyboarding) lessons next year.

She is going to be in Spanish Immersion for 1st grade--all Spanish, all day, every day, except for P.E., music & art. We're excited about it!

Here's a picture she made today. Yesterday I got her a Disney Princess magazine because we were going to be in the car awhile.


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