Each day is a little life.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Diviertimento con Libros EspaƱoles

Aunt Beverly was excited about the kids learning Spanish next year--she sent us two books from Argentina! It's good to see something different--our basket of Spanish books is a small part of our large library. When we were expecting Carmen, we registered for Spanish board books at the Target in Irving (more diverse than ours). Barnes & Noble in Irving has a great children's Spanish section, by the way.
But before we were expecting Carmen, we bought a couple of books in Spain, including one of the kids' favorites, No Confundas.

I can't seem to get the kids, books & camera in the same room these days... I avoid reading to them in Spanish, at least when David is around! I don't like to feel like a fool. Got an email recently quoting Teddy Roosevelt about the US needing only one language, having room for only one language, and it set me off! Not at him, of course--in 1906, that might have been true, but not in the global society we live in today. These anti-immigrations rallies really show off how ugly Americans can be! I will have to vent later, however, since it is past my bedtime and I have miles to go before I sleep.

Thanks, Bev, we appreciate any new books in Spanish!!!

Oh, and if you have any pull with any Delta pilots, please ask them not to strike before we take our vacation in July (and go to Maria and Mark's wedding in L.A.!). We already booked our flights on Delta!

Also, while you're on my mind, I LOVED The Namesake. Thank you so much for recommending it! I ordered her other book after I finished The Namesake... Interpreter of Maladies, I think it is called. I'm in the middle of 'Tis now since I got Teacher Man for Christmas. I just love Frank McCourt. I'm dreading finishing those two, so please send recommendations soon for summer reading!


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