Each day is a little life.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I'm anxious to post a story I've wanted to write since Christmas. In the writing workshop I started 3 weeks ago I finally got the chance to scratch some itches I've had for a while.

Unfortunately, I can't seem to finish anything now that I'm on "vacation".

Well I did finish a book, The Lovely Bones. We had to read a chapter of it in the workshop. It was written from the p.o.v. of a murder victim, and once I'd read chapter two, I wanted to read the rest. Lauren is reading it now.

I'm applying for a new position at work and have been working on my resume for several days.

I've been maintaining another blog-type of thing on myspace to keep up with my yearbook kids.

I'm working on banning smoking in public in our area.

I'm in charge of a social for our Sunday school class to go to a Ranger game on July 8th.

I want to get the house into a manageable condition, but I keep getting sidetracked with the everyday stuff: meals, laundry, the yard, bills, trips to the library or pool and other social things. Just the clothes going in and out of the house and attic is more of a time-sucker than you'd imagine. ("This isn't a family, it's a swap meet," quipped one of my brothers-in-law.) And I still have to keep the kids busy, for their mental health and mine. Last week we spent a lot of time with Mason, Maya, Nesha & sometimes Lala (will post pics eventually). So the big projects are just wishful thinking.

And this week is Vacation Bible School. I'm the photographer, so I've started another blog for that. Last year I was one of the music directors and took pictures during my downtime, so this year the director asked me to take pictures full time. Yesterday I was running too far behind to take Paloma to the nursey at first, then when I was ready, she was asleep, so I ended up wearing her for all but the last half hour!
