Each day is a little life.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Fingerprints concert at Twilight Thursday

I asked David to get a scene shot. It was lovely out!
Gabriel enjoyed running around the whole time.

Carmen stayed with us part of the time but ran around with Gabe a lot, too. The third girl above is a random kid who latched on to ours out there. She was cute. But the bad thing about this is I want to enter the annual city recreation guide cover contest this year and since I don't know her, I can't use this picture.

But anyway, this picture reminds me of an interesting phenomenon. Interesting to me, anyway. Science-minded people could probably explain, but please don't. I like to think of it as magic. A few years ago, our relatives came to visit and were here on July 4th. We wentt to the park early for the annual city fireworks display. It was very crowded, but we spread our blankets and waited. There was a band playing, but that particular year, they were loud and not very good (in my opinion). Some of the kids with us were whining about the noise, the volume, etc. And someone noticed (maybe my engineer brother-in-law, but I don't think so) that if we were flat on the ground, the volume dropped significantly. This time, we didn't stay flat on the ground long. Fingerprints was good, although they played the same stuff David had heard them play over 10 years ago.
Paloma enjoyed the music. . . (someday, when I have time to figure out how to post a video, this will be one I want to share--her dancing--hilarious!)

and she was Stayin' Alive after bedtime,
but her favorite part was, she met a nice couple (who have a granddaughter her age in Japan) with a dog named Maisy.

I got into a long conversation with the couple when I couldn't drag/ keep Paloma away and with us. It turned out that the woman had substituted for me before. Small world!

Anyway Paloma & the dog were very interested in each other (Paloma is interested in ALL animals) and the couple let her feed Fritos to the dog.

It obviously made a big impression on her, because it's been several weeks and she tried to tell Abuelo about it on Sunday. Dog! Fritos!


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