Each day is a little life.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A Womb with a View (Sonogram #4, 32 weeks)!

I saw my NEW OB yesterday for the first time (I had been to the office to fill out paperwork, but not actually been seen.

Yes, I know, it's weird to change OBs at 32 weeks. But if you'll recall I've been through quite a lot of them.

Anyway I feel like I'm back home now at this doctor's office; it's in the same building as the Doctor A--the one I had for Gabe (who delivered both of my sisters) and the partner he took on when he quit delivering babies (who moved to Vegas since Paloma was born).

Actually I popped my head in on the day I was there to do paperwork and sure enough, there was Dr. A in the office with all of my favorite nurses and receptionist. They actually let you in the room with them when you pay or make appointments. It's personal, and everyone knows my name there.

So back to yesterday-- the first thing, they did a sonogram. I wasn't expecting it, but it was cool--I am still pumped about seeing the new baby so clearly. She measured at 32 weeks, one day, and 4.3 pounds. The sonogram tech said she'd project my due date as March 31! But even cooler than that was seeing her face. I have a printout, but it was so clear on the screen, and when she looked at the camera, I saw a little Paloma face looking back at me! David thought the same thing when he saw the print.

Knowing the baby will be full term in only 6 weeks makes this whole things seem imminent and somehow more real. I have so much to do both at work and at home, so in that respect I'm not ready, but seeing her face made me want the time to pass more quickly anyway.

When I was doing my paperwork 2 weeks ago, I found out at that point that the new doctor will be delivering at the new hospital downtown when it opens--right around my due date. The receptionist called and asked about videocameras in the delivery room and found out it's the same as the other Baylor hospitals--more strict! I was the one to tell my new doctor and his nurse that Baylor doesn't allow cameras. They both seemed genuinely disappointed to hear it.

So I'm hoping the baby will beat the new hospital! I'm sure it would be nice, but having that memory is more important to me than a nice, new, cushy room. Construction projects are always late, aren't they?


At 10:00 PM, Blogger Chrys and Mike said...

Our babies were born at "Big" Baylor and both deliveries (c-section and VBAC) were videotaped. We were told it is up to the individual doctor. I can't imagine not having that footage - it is priceless to me! I know you feel the same way.


At 12:14 PM, Blogger christy-tam said...

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At 4:52 PM, Blogger See-Dub said...

That is an AMAZING picture! How exciting to get to see her so clearly!

At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's Christy P, Amy's friend from L Martin. Dr M (whom I miss terribly) delivered my son Kai after Amy recommended me to him (bc you liked him so much!). I too love that office, but have been in search of a new Ob/Gyn bc I thought A*** Clinic was no longer delivering babies?!? SO do you like the new OB, what's his name. No Dr can ever take Doc Mac's place (i know I am ridic)...but i need a new OB/GYN??



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