Each day is a little life.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Carmen's field day

Carmen's field day followed Gabriel's by a week, and Paloma and Eva went with me this time. Carmen didn't seem like she wanted me to come, but I went anyway. (My mom thinks this is abnormal; most 2nd graders want a parent to watch them . . .)
Sure enough, Carmen ditched us immediately after they let the kids out of the gym, but her friends Avery and Lily befriended us, so we stayed and played with them for the first hour or so.

We had fun watching Avery and Lily, and they were really sweet to Paloma.
Paloma participated in a few events like this carry-the-egg-in-a-spoon race.
But she didn't have a partner to do the crab race
and she didn't want to try the tire races.
We found Carmen again near the sack race.

These are some of her friends from her class: (Allison's mom) Tori, Allison, and Jadyn.
Carmen helped get Paloma away from the wood chips that covered the playground area.
and we watched the girls do the three-legged race.
Carmen and Lily gave this race a try
but knocked each other down!
This is our friend and neighbor Margo
and our friend and neighbor Melanie
and Carmen's friend Carolyn. Carmen is constantly telling us, "Carolyn taught me . . . " (things like anime and strange ways of writing letters in cursive).

After the event was over, Paloma stayed in Carmen's classroom for a little while because I had to take care of some business in Gabe's class and the library (Eva was sleeping in her stroller the whole time). Paloma was excited that she got to draw in Carmen's class.


At 4:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Carmen, what a fun field day!! I wish I could have been there. I have always loved field days!


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