Each day is a little life.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I went back to school (for the last week) the day after Memorial Day. I felt like a celebrity from the moment I arrived: students everywhere were happy to see me and calling my name everywhere I went. It was nice to know I was missed and the whole reason I went back for four days was that I wanted to check on them, make sure that everyone was okay and wish them a great summer.
One of my favorite kids (from yearbook days) came by to give me my yearbook (thanks, Charis!) and say hello.
And this student who I'd had in class before this term showed up for her final GREEN. She says she's blue, but I'll let you decide. She showered with Berry Blue KoolAid. On one hand I was intrigued by this cool costuming option, but on the other hand I was nervous about letting her stay in class because I didn't want to get blasted by administrators for letting someone out of dress code stay there. I asked her who her other teachers were and finally decided that I could always say, "I have a dream that one day our children will be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." (I never heard another word about it.)

Meanwhile, the kids stayed at Gigi's for my week at school.
They stayed at her house, but she had to go meet the bus when Carmen and Gabriel came home, which meant getting out with all of them.

Eva didn't mind a different crib.
And Mom was able to get Paloma to go to the potty. (I had given up on this endeavor when we weren't able to get her to go consistently before Eva was born.)
Mom got these great shots of Eva among the dolls.

Paloma wanted to see what Hidy was doing on his computer (when he was trying to give me the shots of Eva among the dolls).
Gabriel enjoyed inventing things with some toys that were Lauren's.

Thanks again, Mom, for taking great care of them!

Once we left there, we had two events to attend that evening. Carmen had an end-of-the-year celebration with her 1st grade/ science club teacher (who brought a piƱata for them) and Gabriel had his end-of-the-season soccer celebration at the same time.

David, Paloma and Gabriel went one direction, and Carmen, Eva and I went the other. We eventually all made it back home!


At 4:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I loved keeping the kids! This was my first time to keep EVA!!


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