Each day is a little life.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Here is how I feel today.

It's actually been this bad since Saturday night (my birthday!).

I thought it was a sinus infection and the severe headache was a side effect, but now that's it has hung on so long, I'm not so sure. The antibiotic and/ or painkiller I'm taking is not very pleasant for Paloma, I'm afraid.

This is excruciating!

I borrowed some ice packs (thanks, Mom) to strap around my head. I've been saying for years that someone should invent an ice helmet. This is the closest thing I know.


On a positive note, my cousin Chrys gave birth this morning to her firstborn, a son named Oliver, who follows Paloma by one month and one week! I want to go see them, but there is no way I'm driving with this headache. See the baby at


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