Each day is a little life.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

While all of the cousins were in town, we went on a couple of outings together.

Meg organized a trip to see Happy Feet, then Jano took us all out to Chili's, but we were such a large group, they split us into 3 different tables!

A couple of days later, we all went bowling together.

The kids had one lane and the adults another.

At one point, Gabriel told me he was tired of bowling. Aunt Susan suggested that Uncle Joe take a turn for him. For some reason, when it was his turn, Gabe bowled again, but this time got a strike!

He has an interesting technique. He carries the ball at his chest, then flings it straight out. It lands with a huge thud and makes the whole place seem to bounce.

It was afternoon nap time when we got there, so Paloma fell asleep nursing, and then I was stuck holding her until Susan took over. Amazingly, she was able to put Paloma in the stroller to finish her nap!

I didn't bowl because of the time we arrived, plus I learned last time that it's too hard to help the kids, bowl, keep Paloma with us and happy, and also take pictures.

Some of these pictures are especially dark because Main Event turned out the lights and turned on the loud disco music and glow-in-the-dark lights. (That is a silly phrase, isn't it?) Great fun!
We all felt a loss of energy when the lights came back on!


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