Each day is a little life.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"Guess which hand?" Paloma asked, imitating the game David has played with her when we're waiting for dinner or otherwise trying to entertain her without the benefit of toys or books. Only he's a little trickier since he actually hides a whole item in his hand.
Nesha called to see what we were doing, wanting us to go swimming later, but they came over to play in the meantime. Nesha held Eva while I worked on cleaning out the garage. (Nope, no pictures of that. I did have Carmen take a picture of me with a sweater I've kept for way too long because it is now comical.)
When Maya wanted to ride Paloma's musical Dora toy, she was disappointed that the music didn't play. Overhearing this, Gabriel took the initiative to go inside, get a screwdriver and batteries, and fix it himself. That's my boy! So nice to have someone else to help fix things!
We ended up not going swimming later because a storm whipped up out of nowhere just as I was sweeping up. When the wind started to blow I thought it might be nice for the kids to get wet and cool off, but soonit was blowing things around like we were in Lubbock, so I sent them in! They got inside just in time.
Later, I asked David to fix something: the boombox in Gabriel's room wouldn't play a CD.
When he was finished, he had pulled $2.18 in change, mostly pennies, out of the boombox. Paloma!~! She thought that hole under where the CD goes looked like the perfect place to put coins.


At 5:49 PM, Blogger Chrys and Mike said...

$2.18?!? That is hilarious!



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