Each day is a little life.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Paloma says to Eva (all the time, actually), "Mom likes you to be asleep, but I like you to be awake."

I tried to explain to Paloma that it's not that I like Eva to sleep all the time, but that babies need sleep. She is not convinced.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"I did it! I did it! I know just what to do!" exclaims Paloma, sounding like a song on every episode of Ni Hao Kai Lan. Not that there are many episodes. I think there were 5 of them and we've seen them each 5 times.

These are the sounds of potty training at our house.
What is new this time around is description. I will spare you.

However, I thought this was cute. Paloma made up a little chant to celebrate her success:
"Get out the stickers! Get out the candy!"

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Our busy day started with Carmen going with Nesha and Ashley
to see the new American Girl movie, Kit Kittredge.

When Nesha came to get Carmen, however, I was trying to do Paloma's hair, but when Paloma saw Nesha, she wanted her to do her hair instead of me.

Thanks, Nesha, for taking the girls to the movie!

(They also did a little shopping and Carmen came home with a caramel apple to share with Gabe and Paloma.)

Next we went to our friends' house for the kids to play and a barbeque. Jose had made all kinds of meat on his grill and we had a fantastic meal while the kids played in the backyard with a small pool and a pretend car wash.
It was Gabriel and Ollantay's friendship that brought us all together. (They were best friends in preschool.)
Now all of the kids play together in different groups or couples as well as altogether.

Eva slept for at least the first hour we were there.
When the kids got cold in the shade, someone suggested a game in the sun to warm up, so the kids played "Mother May I?".
Paloma and Jose Maria played together despite their language barrier.
Diego & P-Lo

Thanks, Jose & Liliana! We always have such a nice time at your house!
C & O
When we came in, the kids played upstairs for a while and then moved their noisyness down to where we were.
Belly-up to the bar!
All of the adults took a turn with Eva.

When she woke up, I sat her on their couch and was thrilled to get these smiley shots:


Paloma will tell you that her bedtime is at 7.

However, what she means is, any time that ENDS in the number 7.

How this typically plays out is we get Carmen and Gabriel to bed (during the school year, their bedtime is supposed to be 8:30) and then Paloma is in our room cuddling or reading with us until the number 7 shows up in the time. Then she accepts that it's time for bed.

Which is pretty convenient for us, so I'm hoping she doesn't learn to tell time very soon!

Friday, July 04, 2008

Fantastic Fourth

We had a great fourth, but we didn't have what would have been our third annual parade. ):
