Each day is a little life.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I had big plans for this MLK Day weekend. Since this is the first time in 6 years that I'm not in charge of a yearbook, I was looking forward to Celebrating a Meaningful MLK Jr. Day. I wanted to take the kids to the parade, but instead, it was cancelled due to the weather.

Besides it being canceled, it would have been difficult anyway because David spent the entire weekend working due to the weather. He was on every radio station and t.v. channel on seemingly every broadcast.

(Tangent: did you know you can spell "canceled" "c-a-n-c-e-l-l-e-d", and either way is correct? Weird, this language of ours. David promises me this is true since he uses that word all the time in his job. I noticed this when I used spellcheck on this post and it only tagged "MLK". I had spelled it both ways above because I couldn't decide which was right. I wondered why neither spelling looked weird to me.)

Anyway, during his interviews, I was trying to keep the kids entertained and get the laundry done. (Recently we moved our old iMac, Ruby, to the kitchen desk, where she's getting a lot more action as the kids' computer. We held off on computer skills and games for a long time, but that has quickly become one of their favorite activities.)

Unfortunately, our washer picked one of the coldest, wettest days of the year to dump a ton of rusty water on our laundry room floor. It was not the first time it happened, but it was the final straw. We had too much laundry to wait until the weather cleared up!

So we called lucky Uncle Brian (not Dad because I thought it too dangerous for 'Ol Blue!) and he & David took his truck to get us a new washer at Home Depot. While they were in the parking lot, David did another interview via Blackberry. (Thanks again, Brian!)

Anyway, I didn't end up doing much for MLK day except a little research and making a compilation of songs in iTunes:
U2's "MLK"
and "In the Name of Love",
Stevie Wonder's "Happy Birthday",
and Moodswings' "Spiritual High (part 3)".

Did you know there's a campaign to make the MLK day a day of service instead of a day off?

I was also working on a playlist of Vietnam songs to go with a short story in the curriculum I teach, but that is a post for another day.


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