Each day is a little life.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Having a Ball

The kids went to soccer camp again this year, but it only lasted 4 days because of Memorial Day.

Carmen won a medal for winning her (3 person team) game on the last day.

The first day, they were dragging and tired. We had a discussion about attitude and the next day, both Gabriel & Carmen won "Hustle Award" ribbons. The third day, however, when I woke Gabriel up, he said, "I don't want to go to soccer anymore!"
(Quite different from Mason's attitude!)

Thankfully, it was moved indoors this year. (Last year, it was blasting hot, but this year it rained all week.) The only bad thing about it being indoors is it's so much harder to get good pictures. There is plexiglass around the field because it's a real indoor soccer venue, so I offered to get shots for next year's brochure when I talked to the coach (my colleague). He liked the idea, so I was able to go on the field and take a few shots.

Paloma did not cooperate, though; she refused to stay on the sidelines and wanted to play with the cones (they looked like hats to her).

I would've had a better picture of Little Miss Conehead, but this little buttinski girl kept taking the cones away from her (even the ones from a stack on the sidelines).

Mason helped try to keep her on the sidelines one day when Mom was getting her haircut. He was very sweet with her. There are more pictures of this here.

Carmen & Gabriel found a "secret passageway" that led from behind the goal up a ramp to the stands. It seemed like they had as much fun on this passageway as they did in the camp.

Miss Priss wanted to get in on all of the action, including the kids' water bottles.

I don't know how much they got out of it, but I'd prefer to start out in the summer for a few days as opposed to a twice-a-week commitment for season play, especially because C & G couldn't be on the same team anymore. Brittney, one of my former yearbook kids who helped coach the camp, offered to coach a team for Carmen if she stays here in the fall, which would be great.

Starting the week of soccer camp, Carmen started asking David daily about going to play soccer in the evenings. We went to school one night to play, but the field was swampy and each time the ball bounced in the grass, it created a splashing explosion of insects .

Carmen wants her daddy to be her coach, but I have trouble imagining how we could fit in one more thing during the school year.


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