Each day is a little life.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween week '07

On Friday night, Carmen was delighted to attend Dylan's party (he's in her class) while the rest of us went to a faculty cookout.
On Saturday, we made a brief appearance at Carmen's soccer game--we were only there long enough to pick Carmen up 15 minutes before the game was over to go to her piano recital.
Paloma liked having her own chair to sit in, but that didn't keep her happy the whole time.
At the recital, Gigi helped P be quiet.
Carmen's costume: soccer player, since she came straight from her game.

On Sunday, we had our annual family night at church where the kids went trick-or-treating from car to car.
But first was dinner, a bounce house and a parade of costumes.
Then David took them from car to car while I passed out candy at my "m" van. (oops, no picture!)
On Wednesday morning, Gabriel dressed as Mr. Wagner, his principal. He was supposed to come as a "community helper".

"Yes, Gabriel."
"I look kinda churchy," he says, referring to his suit & tie.

Mr. W liked it so much, he had Gabe sit with him on Dolphin TV through the entire morning announcments.
The rest of us got to see him on TV in the library!
Paloma sported her Jasmine costume.
"Cute costume, Paloma," comments someone.
"I'm a mermaid," she says proudly.
No one can convince her otherwise.
Carmen and her friend Tori were the only Native Americans in her class. Everyone else came in western wear.

When I got home from school, I got the kids to pose for me in the backyard.

Then it was time to eat dinner and change into our night costumes (the ones that go together). I did not have my mental health there for a while because I could not find costume parts (one squeaky shoe and the squeaky clown nose) and Carmen's headpiece that we had made did not fit or otherwise would not stay on her head. David convinced me to get over it and we went on to Mom's.
But first the kids wanted to trick-or-treat at a few houses on our block. (Specifically, their school librarian lives a few doors down.) Then it was time to go to Hidy & Gigi's house where they ate a bite of pizza (yes, we'd already had dinner) and got popcorn balls before the paparazzi tried in vain to get a good picture of the youngest 6 grandkids. (Lauren had just run off with her friends.)
Hidy wanted to be in a photo with them since he was in costume, too.
Then Mason invited us to go trick-or-treating in his neighborhood, because they were leaving just as we got there.
First we went by my boss's house
and Carmen's preschool teacher's house since they live in my Mom's neighborhood.
Paloma was a trooper about her costume, especially considering that the hat didn't exactly fit right.
Our last stop of the night was a block from our house. Several of Carmen's classmates live on this street, but more importantly, Uncle Joe & Aunt Susan live there. Gabe was the happiest of the night when he got to sit down at Joe & Susan's to check out all he'd collected.
Paloma loved being held by Meg,
and then Susan called Uncle Joe (in Houston) to tell him Gabe was at their house for his Halloween salad. (Two years ago, Joe offered 3-year-old Gabriel salad when he came trick-or-treating, and Gabe accepted.)
Carmen enjoyed playing with the new cat Meg brought home. Stuart?
At this point, I was wondering why in the world we ever celebrate Halloween on a weeknight. I was so tired that night and all the next day. But we had a good time and the kids got enough candy to last a year!


At 9:54 AM, Blogger Amy said...

i love the picture of gabe with his hair slicked back and in a suit... so cute!


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