Each day is a little life.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Trinity v. Bell game

The annual game was Thursday night this year and we took the kids.

Before the game, the Trinity team took the field to do their famous "Haka", which even made it to a Gatorade commercial 2 years ago. If you want to see more, go to YouTube and search Trinity and Haka, you'll get a LOT of hits. Anyway our guys wouldn't look their way and yelled the whole time, which allowed me to get these shots.

We were sitting on the front row on the home side (Bell this year), so the trainer girls gave me a hard time about singing my alma mater (Trinity's). I tried to explain later: I root for them, I wear blue and dress my kids in it too, but I don't fake the alma mater.

I only went in to the student section to take a couple of pictures of my current students because it was crazy crowded.
And I had to take this one when I saw one of my kids working on her war paint:
And then I ran into several other students, former & current:

When I saw this girl walking along the sideline on the way to perform her pre-game routine, I yelled her name and she looked up to see who called, taking her eyes off the girls (from the other school) in front of her and running right into them!

Anyway Bell got whooped, 44-0. It started out like it was going to be a good game, but it was demoralizing watching the kids I love so humiliated. Bell's in the playoffs this year, but still got stomped by Trinity. As my resident sports expert lamented, it's too bad Trinity's the rival, because they've got to be one of the best high school teams in the country. (They won state 2 years ago and continue to dominate, though they were beat by Odessa Permian earlier this year.)

At least our band wowed the crowd (as always)!
We left after halftime and watched the rest on t.v.


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