Each day is a little life.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


I did not explain in the Birth Day post that the kids had spent the night with Hidy & Gigi and they were trying to have a normal day with Maya's birthday party and Carmen & Gabriel's soccer games. So my whole family was at Maya's party, then the games, after which they came straight to the hospital.

So our first visitors were Lety, Benjamin & Sofia, who brought Abuela & Abuelo even though it's a long hour's drive for them. Unfortunately I have no pictures. David shot video, so at some point I'll be able to research and possibly post something from that and also find out who got to hold Eva first. It might have been Sofia, who LOVES babies.

About 10 minutes after they arrived, my mom and Sissy arrived with Paloma, having come with Dad, Carmen, & Gabriel, who dropped them off before they parked. We were not ready with cameras or anything when Paloma came in either. And before Dad & the kids made it to my room, the nurses came by and said my recovery room was ready; it was time for them to move me. It took several minutes for them to show up, and apparently they'd had to stop for Carmen to go to the restroom in the lobby. When they arrived, there were at least 14 people in the Labor & Delivery room. And it's a nice room, but that was a huge crowd. So right when Dad & the kids came in, someone suggested everyone grab some of our stuff and head to the other room.

When I first saw Gabriel come in the room, I knew he needed to go to the bathroom because he was jumping around. I had to raise my voice to get someone's attention to tell Gabriel he could use the toilet in my room. He went in and apparently was scared off by the measuring device in the toilet and came back out in tears; it was too late. He was mortified, obviously, and while everyone else was heading up to my room, David was asking the nurses for scrub pants for him to wear. After we got all of that settled, the nurses told Gabe he looked like a doctor, gave him a button that said "I'm a big brother" and Gabriel got to ride on my stretcher for the trip.

The kids opened birthday gifts from Evangelina before they left. They were our last visitors of the evening, and they went back to Hidy & Gigi's house for a second sleepover.

David stayed the night at the hospital. I kept trying to get Eva to nurse and she finally latched on at 11 PM.

The next morning after church, Amy and Brian brought Mason and Maya to see their new cousin.
Amy, what was this look about? I love this picture of Maya surprised. Did you tell her Eva was her birthday present?
Mason was interested in Eva, but also in the view of the street below.
Brian said Eva's "stork bite" (as the nurses called the mark above her nose) was a turkey claw in honor of her being born on the first day of turkey season!
Mason was very interested in what the nurses were "doing to Eva" when they came for a check.

Eva was really fussy by the time Joe & Susan came to visit. She had tried to nurse all day and obviously wasn't getting much milk, so I think she was just hungry.
But Joe and Susan had all kinds of ideas about how to comfort her! They were funny.

Their visit was also interrupted by someone doing some testing or seomthing on Eva.

Allison, Bill & Zoe came a little while later.
Zoe had been waiting a whole day to "pet the baby".

On Sunday, Mom & Dad brought the kids again in the evening and when they left, they went home with David since we wanted them to have a normal night and next day back to school.

Tracie, Bailey & Samantha came by after David had left for the night. I hadn't seen Samantha since she was an infant, and she is now walking and talking!
They had another friend in the hospital with a new baby too!
It was great to see them while we were in their neck of the woods.

Thanks to everybody for making the effort and the trek to see us. We feel the love and we appreciate all of you!


At 10:16 AM, Blogger Amy said...

Maya's surprise look: I don't remember exactly - but I think I might have said that they had the same birthday or something??


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