Each day is a little life.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Too-soft serve

I took the kids to Jason's Jelly (Gabe no longer calls it that, but I still do) one evening and David was supposed to meet us there if/ when he could so I could go to a meeting at the library. When the kids finished eating, Carmen asked if she could go get ice cream. I said yes. David is usually the one that gets the kids ice cream because it's torture for me to serve it and never be able to eat it, so I'm rarely the one to serve any dairy desserts. However, I make an exception for Cheesecake Factory and Saltgrass Steakhouse cheesecake (maybe once a year). I try to serve the kids the things David can't have. You would think that includes ice cream, but he has a little sometimes if he hasn't hit his 45 carbs for the meal.

Anyway, I was sitting in the booth watching her from across the room, thinking, Man, it's nice to have one kid big enough to help like that. At that point, I saw her coming towards me with a worried look and grabbed her camera out of my purse and shot this:

The ice cream was too soft and falling off the cone. But she made it!


At 6:44 AM, Blogger See-Dub said...

That is a priceless picture!

(Speaking of Jason's Jelly, we still call Hobby Lobby Wabo Wabo even though Katie learned how to say the real name long ago!)


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