New words we've noticed Paloma saying this week:
Ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka (tickling sound)
Ssss (imitating my shhh!)
Yeah...yeah...yeah (while pretending to talk on the phone)
Okay, David was about to replace our modem last night to see if that was the problem (to get us online faster in case it was and keep anyone from having to go in our office, the room that most needs Clean Sweep) and the old one was working with a signal. Our internet was back. He called Comcast and they said it had been an area outage.
So we're back. I used my computer time wisely while I was offline; I started a file of pictures to print so we can make a photo album to take on our trip for Paloma. I read this tip when Carmen was a baby and we took her to California at almost 11 months (exactly what Paloma will be for the wedding!). She also wore the Baby B'Air (approved by the FAA for in-flight use but not nearly as snug and secure as the Baby Bjorn Paloma's used to). Anyway the photo album will have Paloma in every other picture and then we'll stick in all the people she loves and who love her so we can work on their names and make sure she's at least seen the California cousins.
We also now have a folder of papers for our trip: itineraries, maps, coupons & such. David has been helping compile this stuff. He actually put all of our destinations in Google Earth so he could show the kids our trip... from here to DFW to Salt Lake City to Bob Hope Airport to our rental car place to our hotel to Legoland to our hotel to Disneyland to our hotel to the San Diego Zoo to our hotel to Laguna Beach to our new hotel to the no-rehearsal dinner to our hotel and to the wedding (downtown Los Angeles).
The kids have been playing "vacation" with the Fisher-Price little people: that is, stuffing a LOT of people in airplanes, buses, minivans, going to the airport, the amusement park, pretending the house is a hotel, etc. This was also David's idea and I have to admit, a great one. It's good to warn them how much of our time will be spent traveling and in crowds or lines. We've been trying to get Carmen to understand how important it is to stay with us... she has a tendency to wander off, feeling independent in stores or the mall, which has caused more than a few moments of panic.
I finished reading one of the books I got for Christmas last week: Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris. I laughed out loud, as much as I laughed at Me Talk Pretty One Day. What a great voice he has!
OK, time to go burn some of the kids' energy! But it's good to be back!