Each day is a little life.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Name the Baby? part 2

Thanks for all of your suggestions! They were fun to read, and there were some I'd never heard of or considered--like one of Mason's, "Diva"! I even got a picture from a Cathedral in Barcelona--cool!

Here is a preliminary list I made (before the first post) while going through The Baby Name Wizard for the third or fourth time. (This book doesn't list that many names or give meanings, so I might ought to look at a different one.):

*Alicia (pronounced like the Spanish A-lee-see-a, not with a "SH" sound, which means I'd be correcting people all of the time, but my grandmother's name was Alice and my sister is Allison)
*Aurora (like the sunrise--but I can hardly spit it out)
*Belinda (really this just reminds me that Abuela is going to say, ""Que Linda!" no matter what her name is)
*Cecilia/ Celia (I like the Paul Simon song--though this hurts the name for David--and the nickname Celie from The Color Purple, not to mention Celia Cruz, the cool Cuban diva)
*Celeste (means heaven/ heavenly in French)
*Eloise? (just added this one as I made this list, but it is now David's favorite, and he keeps reminding me it's his turn... would be for Ella + Luis, David's dad's name)
*Esperanza (means hope, also David's aunt in Mexico--I worry about it being mispronounced and also what a nickname would be--probably just "S", the first syllable)
*Evangelina (David's family's suggestion)
*Genevieve (a nickname Ginny or Genna would be okay with me--David says Genie's okay w/ him--this is a French version of Jennifer, my aunt's name and I've also had two sweet Jennas as students)
*Karina (it's our Waterford crystal pattern--but starts with the C sound)
*Maribel/ Maricela/ Marisol (I like all of these but I'm not crazy about them being shortened to "Mari" like Maury Povich. But David also has a sister named Maria so I've kept these on the list. Also, I think Marisol is beautiful when said in Spanish but not when people make it rhyme with "aerosol".)
*Sabine (from the book Griffin & Sabine)
*Serena (for her personality, so far very calm and tranquil)
*Veronica (David likes this one; I get the Elvis Costello song stuck in my head and can't get past it)
*Violet (I also like Scarlett and Ruby for color names, but David doesn't)
*Yesenia (I like that it starts with YES!)


At 7:37 PM, Blogger See-Dub said...

Brett really likes Veronica, but I think it's because he read so many Archie comics back in the day. I, too, get the song going through my head, which is unfortunate since "Veronica" is the only word of the song I can recall! "Veronica, Veronica, Veronica!!!!"

My faves:

Alicia (but you're right about correcting people)

Sabine (really loved those books)

Serena (reminds Brett of the "bad" cousin on Bewitched)

At 7:58 PM, Blogger Amy said...

I really like Celia and Eloise the best, I think, though there are many I like on your list.

At 7:25 PM, Blogger Chrys and Mike said...

I'm playing catch up!

REALLY like Celie as a nickname. So sweet. Sounds good w/ your last name, too. (Nice initials, too. :)

Esperanza is beautiful.

Evangelina is pretty. I like Evie as a nickname.

Genevieve is beautiful and so feminine. That's definitely one of my top favorites.

Sabine is beautiful but I haven't read the book.

I really like Scarlett, too.

There's my two cents. You have great taste, I can't wait to see what you decide on.



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